Dave Oester & Sharon Gill

"The Ghost Writers"

ABC NEWS Nightline filmed a Special 30-minute segment on us as Ghost Writers while we were researching our first ghost book. We were the Special Guests on Art Bell's Dreamland radio talk show talking about ghosts and haunted houses last October. Our ghostly photograph of the swirling energy vortex is on the Art Bell Web page and has appeared in the Art Bell Newsletter, After Dark. We have appeared several times on NBC Good Evening and NBC Evening Magazine as ghost hunters.

Our first book, Twilight Visitors: Ghost Tales Vol. One, has over 70 true ghost tales suitable for all ages. This 179-page book is available at most major bookstores or by ordering it from the publisher. Our second manuscript, The Haunted Reality, is with our literary agent and is being reviewed by several publishers.

Now sit back and enjoy our collection of real ghost photographs. Notice the commom thread that weaves throughout the images--the swirling energy vortex field which can be described in Plasma Physics. Some vortexes will cast a shadow while others do not. The vortex shadows represent density that reflect light, but not visible to the human eye. Is this the essense of our soul that remain behind when we pass through the portal of death. These ghostly photographs may represents life after life entities or energy patterns that exist in another dimensional realm. These ghostly energy patterns may appear as globes of light or as a milky like mist on some photographs.

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